Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Strong enough

Phillipians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

I love the song “Strong enough” by Matthew West and basically this song is based on Phil. 4:13.  The first verse says, “You must think I’m strong to give me what I’m going through.  Forgive me, forgive me if I’m wrong, but this looks like more than I can do on my own.”  Then, the chorus says “I know I’m not strong enough to be everything that I’m supposed to be.  I give up. I’m not strong enough. Hands of Mercy won’t you cover me.  Lord right now I’m asking you to be strong enough, for both of us.”  Towards the end of the song, he repeats the scripture and sings “I don’t have to be strong enough.”

This gives me hope because on so many days, all of them, actually, I am not strong enough.  I struggle daily with balancing work and motherhood, homemaker and wife.  I pray daily for the strength to get through the day, especially on school days, because I get so busy.  Now, I do put a lot of pressure on myself and I am currently working on that and praying about that.  But for now, I am praying to be strong enough, day by day.   And sometimes it feels like the Lord is giving me too much.  And maybe He is.  Maybe He keeps giving me certain struggles or busy-ness so that I will continue to lean on Him and ask for His help.

None of us are strong enough on our own.  We have to have His help.  He wants to help us; otherwise He would not have given us these words of encouragement.  He builds us up and tells us that we can do whatever we put our mind to because the strength comes from him.  But I think sometimes, He is strong enough for both of us, and He carries us, just like in the Footprints in the Sand poem.  That comfort is there during those times that we can’t do it alone, even if it’s just daily living.  He will be strong enough if we just ask Him.  And that’s OK.  

Be Blessed!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pinterest has inspired me!

So, I avoided Pinterest for the longest time, knowing I would become an addict.  However, it has recently inspired me.

I have been doing "painting parties" for a little over a year now but recently used a few Pinterest ideas for a birthday party for a friend.  Here are the paintings:

I added my own personal touch by allowing the girls to sprinkle just a little glitter onto the "tutu" while the paint was still wet.  I like glitter.

The ages of the children doing these were as young as 7 months, with mom's help, up to age 6, I think.  So easy and a special keepsake for the parent and child.  I hope to do more of these Pinterest-inspired parties this summer so maybe I can quit my day job and do what I love the most!

Be blessed!

Monday, February 13, 2012

My newest Pinterest project

OK, so, with 3 boys and 2 girls total in our happy household, we go through lots of body wash.  I had a pretty good stockpile of it until recently.  I just haven't been finding very good deals on it that match my coupons.  I'll admit, I haven't had much time to do the thorough research that I can normally do.

However, in an effort to simplify my life this year and "Clear the Clutter" in 2012, I decided to try making my own body wash.  Jessalyn and I have already made our own laundry detergent, and I must say that is working out well.  So, browsing through Pinterest, I came across a pin for homemade body wash.  I wasn't really looking for it at the time but I feel like it was looking for me!  I pinned it and moved on.

But yesterday as I was drowning in projects and quizzes to grade, I needed a craft break.  Aha!  Go back to Pinterest and find the recipe.  I did not want to make a huge batch the first time so I cut it by a third.  Instead of 3 bars of soap, I used only 1 bar, mixed with 2 cups of water.  It's basically a 2:1 ratio - two cups of water for every bar of soap.

I used Zest because we like it and I have plenty of it!  (It was on sale recently and my coupons doubled so this little project cost me about 30 cents.)  Shred the soap with a grater, like you would shred cheese, and add the water.  Simmer over the stove on low heat until all the soap is dissolved.

Pour into a jar or bowl (I used an empty spaghetti sauce jar) and let cool.

Now, here's where I have to tweak it next time.  I waited until today to try to put it into my empty body wash container.  Bad idea.  My homemade formula had "gelled" up too much and I had to use a spoon and it took about 15-20 minutes to get it all in the container.  Next time, I will pour it while it is still liquid but cool, maybe after an hour.  Oh well.  You don't learn until you try.

This one bar of soap made enough to fill my 16.9 oz. bottle plus a little left over that I used to refill my hand soap container.  All for about 30 cents!

I would say it's a pretty successful Pinterest project that saves me money!  Next time I'll use a more "girlie" soap like Dove or Caress.

Be Blessed!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Not feeling like myself

I know it's been a little over a week or two since I've posted.  I can't help it.  I've just not been feeling like myself lately.  Lots of things going on - busy home life with the kids and sports, school kids are just crazy, hubby going through interviews for a promotion, and much more.  I have been finding a little time to paint.  I had a big custom order from Etsy and I've been working on it all January.  The paintings are finally ready to ship.  I have a couple more orders to work on this week.  I really enjoy painting and creating things.  I so wish I could just be a family manager and stay home and paint!  It makes me so happy and calms my nerves.

So does writing.  I already feel better (mentally) by sitting here writing about my stress and frustrations.  It's like it is physically leaving my body as I hit each alphabet key.  Awesome.  However, I do feel a physical sickness coming on, probably due to the changing weather.  But I'm not going to let it get me down.  I'm going to get some rest (no painting tonight) and maybe I'll be refreshed tomorrow.

Here are the paintings I've been working on during January.

Be Blessed!