Monday, February 13, 2012

My newest Pinterest project

OK, so, with 3 boys and 2 girls total in our happy household, we go through lots of body wash.  I had a pretty good stockpile of it until recently.  I just haven't been finding very good deals on it that match my coupons.  I'll admit, I haven't had much time to do the thorough research that I can normally do.

However, in an effort to simplify my life this year and "Clear the Clutter" in 2012, I decided to try making my own body wash.  Jessalyn and I have already made our own laundry detergent, and I must say that is working out well.  So, browsing through Pinterest, I came across a pin for homemade body wash.  I wasn't really looking for it at the time but I feel like it was looking for me!  I pinned it and moved on.

But yesterday as I was drowning in projects and quizzes to grade, I needed a craft break.  Aha!  Go back to Pinterest and find the recipe.  I did not want to make a huge batch the first time so I cut it by a third.  Instead of 3 bars of soap, I used only 1 bar, mixed with 2 cups of water.  It's basically a 2:1 ratio - two cups of water for every bar of soap.

I used Zest because we like it and I have plenty of it!  (It was on sale recently and my coupons doubled so this little project cost me about 30 cents.)  Shred the soap with a grater, like you would shred cheese, and add the water.  Simmer over the stove on low heat until all the soap is dissolved.

Pour into a jar or bowl (I used an empty spaghetti sauce jar) and let cool.

Now, here's where I have to tweak it next time.  I waited until today to try to put it into my empty body wash container.  Bad idea.  My homemade formula had "gelled" up too much and I had to use a spoon and it took about 15-20 minutes to get it all in the container.  Next time, I will pour it while it is still liquid but cool, maybe after an hour.  Oh well.  You don't learn until you try.

This one bar of soap made enough to fill my 16.9 oz. bottle plus a little left over that I used to refill my hand soap container.  All for about 30 cents!

I would say it's a pretty successful Pinterest project that saves me money!  Next time I'll use a more "girlie" soap like Dove or Caress.

Be Blessed!

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