So, as a family, we are a little frustrated with some things going on and we are thinking about changing things and starting over somewhere else. I'm a little stressed about this, to say the least. Part of me is a bit excited about starting over, living simply, and trying something new. But part of me likes consistency, dependability, and stability that I have worked so hard over the years to achieve. To leave that behind scares me.
If we decide to make this change, I am excited about the chance to get out of education. But I'm scared because that is our main source of income, insurance, and retirement. I am excited about the possibility of having a massive yard sale and getting rid of most of our possessions so we don't have to "take them with us" when we move to this new location. I'm excited about living a more simplified lifestyle, mainly because I want to be a starving artist and try to promote my art and books. Given this opportunity, I really want to promote myself full-time. Obviously part-time promotion over the years has not worked as well as I have wanted it to. But that scares me because I don't want us to, well, starve.
So my thoughts are, we can do this if we really buckle down now and save every penny we can - in the midst of baseball season, end of school expenses, final payments for my trip to Spain, and regular bills. I have been praying about this since last week, when we first began the discussions. The kids are on board and pretty excited, which eases my mind a little.
It's hard. Life is hard. I'm going to continue to pray for guidance and clarity. The good Lord has guided me this far and I know he will keep whispering to me and showing me what his plan is for us.