Monday, July 16, 2012

Let it go

As I was talking to a friend this morning about an amazing opportunity that was presented to her son, I found myself feeling hot and jealous inside.  It is one of those once-in-a-lifetime things that I would love to have happen to one of my children.

I'll be honest - It is so hard to let go of it and just be happy for them.  I find myself sulking and feeling sorry for myself, or my kids, that something like that doesn't happen to me or them.  I often get depressed or throw myself a pity-party when I see other moms living a life I would like to live - being able to stay home with their children, go on Disney vacations twice a year, or have beautiful golf course homes.  Then I remember that it is God who has a plan for me and I can usually get out of my mini-depression and move on with the day.

But it is much harder when it comes to my kids.  Why?  I know that the same God who has a plan for me also has a plan for them.  But, as a mom, I want to control everything I can for them.  I mean, I am the one who is here with them on Earth to teach them His word, help them do their best in school and sports, and learn to help others and spread love and peace.  So why can't I let this go and let them live out God's plan for them, not mine?  Sure, I want what's best for them but at what cost?  I cannot go through the day envious that this didn't happen to my child.  It will make me physically sick.  All I can do is teach them to be better and never stop believing in themselves.

After writing these words, I do have a peacefulness in my heart and I'm truly happy for my friend's son.  I am not jealous that this didn't happen to one of my kids.  I know that God has a plan for my children and it is my job to raise them in His word and He will direct their paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Count your blessings!

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