Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Ugh.  We all say it.  Right?   I hope I'm not the only one.  Sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed with everything that it's the only word, or sound, really, that comes out of my mouth.  Ugh.

I know that God gives me my strength to do what I do every day but most days I wonder how I even keep going.  I wake up, get ready and wake the kids for school.  Luckily they are old enough to get dressed and ready themselves.  Grab some breakfast, if I'm lucky, as i pack my lunch.  Drive to work with my oldest son in tow.  The hubby takes the younger two to school since their schools are on his side of town.  Teach all day with very little time to even use the restroom.  Kids ride the school bus to my school in the afternoons so I take them home only to return to school for band practice, as I am the Auxiliary sponsor for the school band.  Most days, my own kids have football, baseball or softball practice, or games, as well, anywhere from 5 pm to 9 pm.  Gotta try to fit in a nutritional dinner in there too.  Homework, showers, laundry, grading papers, lesson planning all has to fit in sometime after 8 pm.  I usually take some with me wherever I go.  Whew, I'm exhausted just typing those daily activities!

Now, add in my weekly couponing, which is currently 3 weeks behind, and keeping the house somewhat clean and presentable somewhere in the week.  Church on Wednesday pretty much eats up that day for any other activities but we do have overlapping sports practice.


But, I love it.  I do.  Well, most of it.  I love the fact that my children keep me busy.  I know where they are and what they are doing and who they are with.  I love volunteering and helping children at church on Wednesdays and Sundays.  I actually wish I could do more of that.   I love the couponing, when I actually get to stay up-to-date because it really does save us quite a bit of money.  I don't like cooking but I like it better than spending money on gross fast food.

So, why the "ugh"?  Because I get so frustrated with having a job and not being able to do more things like volunteering at the schools and at church or writing more children's books.  I often stay up until 11 pm or later getting all the things done on my "to-do" list.  I rarely take time for myself and I probably should. 

What keeps me going?  Definitely God.  I could not do all those things without his physical and spiritual guidance.  I literally cannot get out of bed on time in the mornings without Him (and my alarm clock).  Even though teaching is not exactly where I want to be right now, I know that He knows my path and will lead me where He wants me to go.  I enjoy teaching and most days I love my job.  However, I constantly think about writing and illustrating.  Ugh.

I will gratefully keep pressing on and moving forward with my packed routine.  But you might hear an occasional "ugh" along the way.

Blessings to you!

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