Monday, September 17, 2012

I'm frustrated...again.  It seems I stay that way.  This time, I'm frustrated with television programming.  Or, maybe I'm frustrated with myself for watching.  Both.

The current trend of reality TV is ridiculous.  If it weren't for my boys and their ESPN, I would cut my cable and bank the money.  But I can't.  Or, more appropriately, I won't. 

Now, I've done it before but the boys were small and only watched videos anyway and the hubby was gone all the time with his job.  So, why did I need to pay that outrageous cable bill when I could save the money to buy diapers?  And for about 6 months, that's what we did.

The kids are older now and would totally fReAk OuT if I cut their cable.  But, seriously, have you seen some of the current programming?  Of course you have.

Let's talk about TLC.  I used to love this channel and, occasionally, it will still offer some quality entertainment.  But Honey Boo Boo?  Toddlers and Tiaras?  What are we doing folks?  We are encouraging families to go into debt by exploiting their young children in crazy, glitzy beauty pageants.  And we watch it.  As for Honey Boo Boo, I'm torn.  On one hand, they do seem to love each other and have a nice family unit.  However, there's no discipline, no consequences, no manners, and, in my opinion, no morals.  My daughter does beauty pageants but she is not allowed to prance around and act "sexy" and I am not going in debt over a dress or entry fees for an 8 year old.  We do natural pageants that are not glitz and it is very limited, not a way of life. 

Real Housewives of wherever.  How "real" are they?  They have more money than they know what to do with, get Botox and plastic surgery like it's no big deal, and spoil their children by buying them everything and then don't understand why the children disrespect them. 

There are some shows that I do actually like and would miss if I cut my cable but I think with all the technology, Redbox, Netflix, and Internet, I could probably find the show I want to watch.  It might be the next season before I see it but I'm OK with that.  I'm usually at a ball field anyway, set my DVR and still don't ever watch the show I recorded!

Well, I think I've convinced myself that I don't need cable and I know I could find other things on which to spend that $100 a month.  Now, I just need to convince the three boys and the other girl!

Be blessed!

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