Monday, December 31, 2012

Money Matters Monday - 2013 Budget

Ugh.  Money.  Mondays.  Not the two most desirable topics, especially together.  However, in an effort to keep myself accountable, and try to interest you in my little blog, I am going to use Mondays to talk about money - lack of it, acquiring of it, saving of it, whatever pops into my mind or confessions I need to make.  Maybe I can give you some pointers or you can leave some pointers for me!  Let's help each other save more and live more fully in the coming year.

So, with that in mind, I need to talk about budget.  I need one.  Well, I need a better one.  I have been doing a better job for the past few months at making a written budget, keeping track of every expense (even the $1-$2 trips to the vending machine at work), and trying to lower some areas of spending - like eating out - while trying to increase other areas - like paying down debt or building an emergency fund.

I came across another blog the other day about a family that decided to not eat out at all for an entire year.  Wow!  I was inspired and motivated.  So, I tossed the idea around to the 3 boys and the other girl in the family.  To my surprise, they were in agreement that we should try to eat at home more.  Not only will we probably become healthier by doing this, but I believe we will also save lots of money.  On average, our family eats out to the tune of $350-$500 a month.  Woah!  In two or three months I could have my $1000 emergency fund if we stopped eating out.  This is going to be a real challenge for my family since we are constantly on the go with ball games and practices.  It's going to take some planning and preparation on my part.  But I'm willing to try.  If I can save that much money (and it's honestly a little more than that because that is just the amount out of only my paycheck each month) then the extra prep will be worth it.  My realistic goal is to limit our eating out or pick up food, including pizza delivery, to once a week.  With a family of 5, that could bring that number down to $250 or less.  Still saving money, though.

So, my suggestion to all of you on this Money Matters Monday is to make a budget for 2013, or at least a goal worksheet.  Take a look at your expenses and see where you can make adjustments and save more money for a rainy day shopping trip, a vacation, or add to that retirement or emergency fund.  Since I'm asking you to make goals, here are mine:

1.  Have a $1000 emergency fund.  (I know we should already have one but we don't.  This is why this is numero uno.)
2.  Save for educational trip to Spain in June 2013.
3.  Save for family Christmas vacation in December 2013.  This year's goal is Hawaii.  (We dream big!)
4.  Pay off TV loan early (will be paid in full in January 2014 anyway).
5.  Pay off vacation club package by October 2013.

I have other goals but these are the top 5.  What are your top 5 money goals for 2013?

Be blessed!

My daily inspiration to achieve my goals.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Closing out 2012 and Welcoming 2013

For the first time ever, the Charles family went on a vacation for Christmas.  And not just any vacation.  We braved the hundreds of thousands of people at Disney World in Orlando.  It was crazy.  It was crowded.  Lunch was awful.  We went a little over budget.  But it was worth it. 

The looks on their faces as we approached the crowded parking entrance on Christmas day does not really explain the excitement and joy that they were feeling...well, maybe Miss Hollywood in the middle.  She was so thrilled to learn of our adventure.  Especially since she thought we were going to Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon for the past four months!  We had to break it to her earlier than we wanted because she was so excited to be flying in a plane and we were really driving to Florida.  So we told her the night we left out by letting her open a little gift that I had made for her for the trip.  Her "magic shoes" and the ticket hiding in them, with a handmade Disney Christmas shirt and scarf (which she did not wear because Santa brought everyone a new Disney shirt to wear).

We started off with Space Mountain because the wait was only an hour and we did not upgrade our tickets to include FastPass.  Note to self - we will next time!  We rode the tea cups, Splash Mountain, and a few other rides.  We happened upon the Christmas parade as we were riding the train around the park.  That was really neat!  Then, my favorite part.  We had just finished riding the space plane thing in Tomorrowland and Cinderella's castle had the blue and purple lights shining on it.  We were making our way back to Main Street to try to get some autographs because little miss didn't have any and it was already after 6 pm.  We noticed crowds in front of the castle and a holiday show going on.  Yes.  It was Cinderella's wish to have the castle lit for Christmas.  And what a magical moment it was!  I teared up a little from the sheer amazement and beauty of it all.  Christmas is my most favorite holiday and this was just the thing that made my cup full of blessings overflow.  I also teared up at the joy and wonder on little Jessalyn's face as all this happened.  It most definitely made every second of the craziness we had experienced all day worth it.

We ended our Christmas day by walking down Main Street USA as snow flakes fell on the crowd.  Yes, I sort of got my white Christmas too.  Even if it was in 78 degree Florida weather with 100,000 other people.  And we ended up getting a signature for the autograph book before we left.  The big one.  Mickey.
Our vacation included visits to Daytona Beach, Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure and several other attractions.  It was a great way to end 2012 by bonding with each of the children and sharing in this fabulous family adventure.  I pray that 2013 will hold as many blessings as I continue to thank God for all that he has given our family.  I pray that you, the reader of this little blog, will be blessed as well.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Holding myself accountable

It's my blog.  It's my dream.  So why am I so jealous when other people are living the lifestyle I want?  Because I keep letting "stuff" get in my way.  Now, some of that stuff includes the kids' ball games and practices, church activities, or the full-time teaching job I have.  But enough with the excuses.  I can do this.

I found this quote tonight and it really hit home.  I must keep trying and persist until I succeed.  No more waiting around for something amazing to happen.  I must make that amazing thing happen on my own.  I must hold myself accountable and stop making excuses.  So what if I have a job?  I also have a little bit of free time that I can truly devote to making my dreams come true.  And it starts now.

Thanks for reading my little post.  Time is short, back to school tomorrow (and I have to be there early), but I will find the time to start making my dream my reality.  No more excuses. 

Be blessed!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Just a little 50,000 word novel

Well, today marks the beginning of NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month.  I'm entered and will begin soon writing my first words of the 50,000 word goal by the end of November.  Funny thing is, I had this strange dream last night that I believe is what I'm supposed to write.  And it is intriguing.  I'm pretty excited about getting started but a little nervous at the same time.  I've always wanted to be a writer and a novelist.  In my Senior Memory Book I even wrote that I would be a novelist in 10 years.  Well, now it's going on 19 years since I graduated but I am determined to make this goal.  I did write and illustrate - and publish - a children's book in 2007; so, what's a little 50,000 word novel in a month?

So, I need support, time, encouragement, and inspiration.  Here we go!

Be blessed!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Overwhelmed, frustrated, but a break is in my future

I have just had a lot going on lately.  Well, actually, I always have a lot going on.  Today, my middle child officially became a teenager.  I just can't believe he's 13.  I seriously feel like I just graduated high school myself and here I am with 2 teenage boys and a little 8 year old princess.

So, when I say I am overwhelmed, that's an understatement.  With these kids and their activities and homework, plus the hubby going back to school online, I feel like a single mom of 4!  Add the 151 students I teach each day and you can see where the frustration comes in.  I am constantly surrounded by kids and don't really have time to take for myself or to spend with other adults.

But, fall break is just one and a half days away and I will get a 5 day mini-vacation from school.  However, I have papers and projects to grade before I can break away.  My work is never done.

I am really feeling frustrated with the youth that I teach and desperately want them to meet my expectations but I leave so disappointed almost every day.  I need a spark to ignite pride and passion in them.  It is so hard.  I love my subject area but that isn't enough today.  They want YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, videos, media, etc.  I am not a one-woman entertainment empire but I have to be and I am honestly worn out at 3 pm.  So worn out that I can't stand to be around my own children in the afternoons, after they have been with their teachers for most of the day (probably driving them crazy).

I am hoping and praying that these few days of fall break will provide plenty of rest, quality time with my own kids, maybe some arts and crafts time (because that makes me very happy), and just a break from all the running around I normally do - so I can get after it again on Monday.

Be blessed!

Monday, September 17, 2012

I'm frustrated...again.  It seems I stay that way.  This time, I'm frustrated with television programming.  Or, maybe I'm frustrated with myself for watching.  Both.

The current trend of reality TV is ridiculous.  If it weren't for my boys and their ESPN, I would cut my cable and bank the money.  But I can't.  Or, more appropriately, I won't. 

Now, I've done it before but the boys were small and only watched videos anyway and the hubby was gone all the time with his job.  So, why did I need to pay that outrageous cable bill when I could save the money to buy diapers?  And for about 6 months, that's what we did.

The kids are older now and would totally fReAk OuT if I cut their cable.  But, seriously, have you seen some of the current programming?  Of course you have.

Let's talk about TLC.  I used to love this channel and, occasionally, it will still offer some quality entertainment.  But Honey Boo Boo?  Toddlers and Tiaras?  What are we doing folks?  We are encouraging families to go into debt by exploiting their young children in crazy, glitzy beauty pageants.  And we watch it.  As for Honey Boo Boo, I'm torn.  On one hand, they do seem to love each other and have a nice family unit.  However, there's no discipline, no consequences, no manners, and, in my opinion, no morals.  My daughter does beauty pageants but she is not allowed to prance around and act "sexy" and I am not going in debt over a dress or entry fees for an 8 year old.  We do natural pageants that are not glitz and it is very limited, not a way of life. 

Real Housewives of wherever.  How "real" are they?  They have more money than they know what to do with, get Botox and plastic surgery like it's no big deal, and spoil their children by buying them everything and then don't understand why the children disrespect them. 

There are some shows that I do actually like and would miss if I cut my cable but I think with all the technology, Redbox, Netflix, and Internet, I could probably find the show I want to watch.  It might be the next season before I see it but I'm OK with that.  I'm usually at a ball field anyway, set my DVR and still don't ever watch the show I recorded!

Well, I think I've convinced myself that I don't need cable and I know I could find other things on which to spend that $100 a month.  Now, I just need to convince the three boys and the other girl!

Be blessed!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Ugh.  We all say it.  Right?   I hope I'm not the only one.  Sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed with everything that it's the only word, or sound, really, that comes out of my mouth.  Ugh.

I know that God gives me my strength to do what I do every day but most days I wonder how I even keep going.  I wake up, get ready and wake the kids for school.  Luckily they are old enough to get dressed and ready themselves.  Grab some breakfast, if I'm lucky, as i pack my lunch.  Drive to work with my oldest son in tow.  The hubby takes the younger two to school since their schools are on his side of town.  Teach all day with very little time to even use the restroom.  Kids ride the school bus to my school in the afternoons so I take them home only to return to school for band practice, as I am the Auxiliary sponsor for the school band.  Most days, my own kids have football, baseball or softball practice, or games, as well, anywhere from 5 pm to 9 pm.  Gotta try to fit in a nutritional dinner in there too.  Homework, showers, laundry, grading papers, lesson planning all has to fit in sometime after 8 pm.  I usually take some with me wherever I go.  Whew, I'm exhausted just typing those daily activities!

Now, add in my weekly couponing, which is currently 3 weeks behind, and keeping the house somewhat clean and presentable somewhere in the week.  Church on Wednesday pretty much eats up that day for any other activities but we do have overlapping sports practice.


But, I love it.  I do.  Well, most of it.  I love the fact that my children keep me busy.  I know where they are and what they are doing and who they are with.  I love volunteering and helping children at church on Wednesdays and Sundays.  I actually wish I could do more of that.   I love the couponing, when I actually get to stay up-to-date because it really does save us quite a bit of money.  I don't like cooking but I like it better than spending money on gross fast food.

So, why the "ugh"?  Because I get so frustrated with having a job and not being able to do more things like volunteering at the schools and at church or writing more children's books.  I often stay up until 11 pm or later getting all the things done on my "to-do" list.  I rarely take time for myself and I probably should. 

What keeps me going?  Definitely God.  I could not do all those things without his physical and spiritual guidance.  I literally cannot get out of bed on time in the mornings without Him (and my alarm clock).  Even though teaching is not exactly where I want to be right now, I know that He knows my path and will lead me where He wants me to go.  I enjoy teaching and most days I love my job.  However, I constantly think about writing and illustrating.  Ugh.

I will gratefully keep pressing on and moving forward with my packed routine.  But you might hear an occasional "ugh" along the way.

Blessings to you!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Let it go

As I was talking to a friend this morning about an amazing opportunity that was presented to her son, I found myself feeling hot and jealous inside.  It is one of those once-in-a-lifetime things that I would love to have happen to one of my children.

I'll be honest - It is so hard to let go of it and just be happy for them.  I find myself sulking and feeling sorry for myself, or my kids, that something like that doesn't happen to me or them.  I often get depressed or throw myself a pity-party when I see other moms living a life I would like to live - being able to stay home with their children, go on Disney vacations twice a year, or have beautiful golf course homes.  Then I remember that it is God who has a plan for me and I can usually get out of my mini-depression and move on with the day.

But it is much harder when it comes to my kids.  Why?  I know that the same God who has a plan for me also has a plan for them.  But, as a mom, I want to control everything I can for them.  I mean, I am the one who is here with them on Earth to teach them His word, help them do their best in school and sports, and learn to help others and spread love and peace.  So why can't I let this go and let them live out God's plan for them, not mine?  Sure, I want what's best for them but at what cost?  I cannot go through the day envious that this didn't happen to my child.  It will make me physically sick.  All I can do is teach them to be better and never stop believing in themselves.

After writing these words, I do have a peacefulness in my heart and I'm truly happy for my friend's son.  I am not jealous that this didn't happen to one of my kids.  I know that God has a plan for my children and it is my job to raise them in His word and He will direct their paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Count your blessings!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Why do I need all this junk?

I was giving a graduation exam today and started thinking.  I know, dangerous.  But what else am I going to do since I can't write, draw or read anything while I administer that exam?  So, I was thinking about all the stuff we accumulate over time and I began to question why we do that.  Looking at those high school seniors take that exam and thinking about their futures, I began to reflect on my past.  In college, we lived in a dorm.  Dorms are tiny.  We didn't take every last thing from home and stuff it in that little dorm room.  We had clothes, shoes, maybe a computer, books, school supplies, Ramen noodles, and a microfridge.  And that was enough.  I didn't long for the stuff I had left back home, not that it was much. 

Then, I got married.  We moved into a small apartment because that's all we could afford at the time, since we were both still in college.  I think that's when the accumulation of junk began.  I was given bridal showers where I collected dishes, pots and pans, home decor, etc.  Then, the family started and we added children, which added more stuff!

I've been fortunate to travel to a few other countries - Mexico, Costa Rica, Spain and France.  One thing I've noticed in all of them is that the people are not as attached to things as we are in the U.S.  The houses are smaller, if they are lucky enough to have a house.  Most live in small apartments or shacks made of any material they can find to provide shelter from the elements.  They don't fill their walls with decorator items or even hundreds of family photos.  One reason is they simply can't afford it.  Their money must be used for food and necessities.  Does that mean family isn't important because they don't have dozens of scrapbooks filled with cropped photos and hundreds of dollars of specialty papers and stickers?  No.  I have witnessed more families sitting outside together, playing together, eating together, working together.  I believe their idea of family is much stronger than ours because they don't have all the stuff.  No televisions, or maybe just one in the house instead of every room.  No gaming systems.  No chest full of toys.  Bare minimum.

I started in January to "clear the clutter" in my house and in my life but quickly dropped off the bandwagon because life activities got in the way.  I long to live simply, without so many physical possessions.  After my thinking episode today, I think I'm ready to jump back on.  I've got too much stuff and someone else might just need the junk I don't have time for.   It's time to clear it out and focus more on people than the things.  Plus, it should make my house easier to clean!

Be blessed!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


In my Senior year memory book, under "What I want to be 10 years from now", I have "author".  Well, I achieved that in 2007 when I self published a children's book I had written and illustrated.  Recently, I have been rejuvenated and re-energized.  It seems a lot of things lately are pointing to my dream of writing - little tidbits of advice or inspiration, writing contests randomly showing up in my inbox, favors being asked of me at church, and constant prayer.  I am more excited now about writing than I think I ever have been. 

God has a way of showing us things in mysterious ways.  But sometimes, I think it's not really that mysterious; we just aren't in the right mindset to see it.  I'm seeing it now!  And I'm excited about what He is going to put in my path to realize my dream.

God is good!

Be blessed!

Monday, July 2, 2012

I've missed this.

Well, it has definitely been a while since I last blogged and lots of things have changed.  God is still working on His plan for me - some things moving quickly, some taking a bit longer.  I have really been thinking about my writing a lot more often and it wasn't until a conversation with a neighbor yesterday that I realized this is really what I want to do.  God has given me so many talents - writing, communicating, knowledge of another language, drawing, painting, sewing, creating, teaching - and the best way to utilize all those at once is by writing books/stories/blogs.  I am going to deep clean today and look for my notebooks that contain all my sketches, short stories, essays, poems, and start putting it all together.  I think by Christmas I can have a good, solid collection.  Until my job gets in the way.

I just can't help but believe that it is God's will for me to be a writer.  I've wanted to be one since high school.  But, it is going to take lots of prayer, lots of willpower (to write instead of goof off on computer games or Facebook), lots of help from my children, and lots of support from my friends and family. 

So, having caught you up on where God is leading me, I hope you find where He is leading you.  I'll leave you with my favorite Bible verse today, and I may have used it before to close a post, but it's my favorite!

"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future."  Jeremiah 29:11

Be blessed!

Monday, March 12, 2012

God is doing his work

I've been praying a lot lately about some different things going on in my life right now.  And guess what?  God is listening and revealing answers.  Or, more like little hints.

I have always believed in the power of prayer.  When Archer was extremely sick in ICU at the age of 3, I prayed that the Lord would bring me home safely from Mexico (I was there doing graduate work) so I could see him and that He would keep him alive until I arrived.  Not only did I make it home, but Archer is now a strong, healthy 12 year old.

For years, Jamison and I would get into discussions about faith vs. science or proof.  I would pray that he would accept Jesus so we could walk in faith together.  It happened and it has made a tremendous difference in our relationship and family.

I could go on and on about the things I've prayed about that God answered positively.  But he also answers negatively sometimes or answers in His time, not ours.  I was explaining to the children the other day about the opportunities that God gives us sometimes are because it is His plan, not ours.  They were upset because we drove by our old house that we were forced to move from because of some financial issues and mortgage company garbage that could never get resolved.  So we left after being threatened with foreclosure.  We miss it.  But I had to explain to them that God has another plan that we don't yet understand and he will reveal to us when He is ready.

God is working on some other things with me right now.  They will be revealed when the time is right - when it is His time.  For now, I will continue to pray and He will continue to give me hints until all is ready.

Proverbs 3:5-6  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will direct your path.

Be blessed!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I've been so busy

Well, the title says it all.  I've been so busy.  I thought things would ease up since basketball season ended and only one child has started baseball but it seems I have so many activities to fill my time.  I haven't clipped coupons in almost a month, haven't really gone grocery shopping either (but I'm still saving money), and my house is (always) a mess.  But I keep pushing on.

Little one has a pageant she wants to be in that is out of my budget so I'll be making lots of art to hopefully sell to fund that adventure.  The big one and I will be going to Costa Rica in less than 90 days and I've got to raise some money for that too.  The middle one wants to go back to football camp this summer, which is not cheap, nor is it in my debt-snowball budget.  But we'll make it work.  I'm going to put my Pinterest pins to work by re-creating some crafts for the little one to make herself and "earn" her beauty pageant trip.  The big one is going to help me at a craft show I do locally every year to "earn" his trip.  I just need to find something for that middle child to do to earn his football camp trip.  I would like to find time to save money for a family trip this summer, too.  Even if it's just a weekend getaway, just the 5 of us - three boys and two girls.

I must say, I have had an overwhelming feeling that I am being urged to write and illustrate.  I can't explain it and don't really want to try to explain it.  I take these things as God trying to speak to me.  It is just sometimes hard to focus on what he is trying to say because we are so...busy.  I have to slow down and take the time to talk to him more and find out if what I feel is his way of telling me I should pursue that or if it is just a hobby that I currently miss because I don't have the time to indulge it.  Either way, I enjoy writing and illustrating and think, maybe, if I could find all my little stories and poems, I could put together some type of book that I could sell at my craft show and online to fund these little adventures this summer.  That would be nice.

Be blessed!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Strong enough

Phillipians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

I love the song “Strong enough” by Matthew West and basically this song is based on Phil. 4:13.  The first verse says, “You must think I’m strong to give me what I’m going through.  Forgive me, forgive me if I’m wrong, but this looks like more than I can do on my own.”  Then, the chorus says “I know I’m not strong enough to be everything that I’m supposed to be.  I give up. I’m not strong enough. Hands of Mercy won’t you cover me.  Lord right now I’m asking you to be strong enough, for both of us.”  Towards the end of the song, he repeats the scripture and sings “I don’t have to be strong enough.”

This gives me hope because on so many days, all of them, actually, I am not strong enough.  I struggle daily with balancing work and motherhood, homemaker and wife.  I pray daily for the strength to get through the day, especially on school days, because I get so busy.  Now, I do put a lot of pressure on myself and I am currently working on that and praying about that.  But for now, I am praying to be strong enough, day by day.   And sometimes it feels like the Lord is giving me too much.  And maybe He is.  Maybe He keeps giving me certain struggles or busy-ness so that I will continue to lean on Him and ask for His help.

None of us are strong enough on our own.  We have to have His help.  He wants to help us; otherwise He would not have given us these words of encouragement.  He builds us up and tells us that we can do whatever we put our mind to because the strength comes from him.  But I think sometimes, He is strong enough for both of us, and He carries us, just like in the Footprints in the Sand poem.  That comfort is there during those times that we can’t do it alone, even if it’s just daily living.  He will be strong enough if we just ask Him.  And that’s OK.  

Be Blessed!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pinterest has inspired me!

So, I avoided Pinterest for the longest time, knowing I would become an addict.  However, it has recently inspired me.

I have been doing "painting parties" for a little over a year now but recently used a few Pinterest ideas for a birthday party for a friend.  Here are the paintings:

I added my own personal touch by allowing the girls to sprinkle just a little glitter onto the "tutu" while the paint was still wet.  I like glitter.

The ages of the children doing these were as young as 7 months, with mom's help, up to age 6, I think.  So easy and a special keepsake for the parent and child.  I hope to do more of these Pinterest-inspired parties this summer so maybe I can quit my day job and do what I love the most!

Be blessed!

Monday, February 13, 2012

My newest Pinterest project

OK, so, with 3 boys and 2 girls total in our happy household, we go through lots of body wash.  I had a pretty good stockpile of it until recently.  I just haven't been finding very good deals on it that match my coupons.  I'll admit, I haven't had much time to do the thorough research that I can normally do.

However, in an effort to simplify my life this year and "Clear the Clutter" in 2012, I decided to try making my own body wash.  Jessalyn and I have already made our own laundry detergent, and I must say that is working out well.  So, browsing through Pinterest, I came across a pin for homemade body wash.  I wasn't really looking for it at the time but I feel like it was looking for me!  I pinned it and moved on.

But yesterday as I was drowning in projects and quizzes to grade, I needed a craft break.  Aha!  Go back to Pinterest and find the recipe.  I did not want to make a huge batch the first time so I cut it by a third.  Instead of 3 bars of soap, I used only 1 bar, mixed with 2 cups of water.  It's basically a 2:1 ratio - two cups of water for every bar of soap.

I used Zest because we like it and I have plenty of it!  (It was on sale recently and my coupons doubled so this little project cost me about 30 cents.)  Shred the soap with a grater, like you would shred cheese, and add the water.  Simmer over the stove on low heat until all the soap is dissolved.

Pour into a jar or bowl (I used an empty spaghetti sauce jar) and let cool.

Now, here's where I have to tweak it next time.  I waited until today to try to put it into my empty body wash container.  Bad idea.  My homemade formula had "gelled" up too much and I had to use a spoon and it took about 15-20 minutes to get it all in the container.  Next time, I will pour it while it is still liquid but cool, maybe after an hour.  Oh well.  You don't learn until you try.

This one bar of soap made enough to fill my 16.9 oz. bottle plus a little left over that I used to refill my hand soap container.  All for about 30 cents!

I would say it's a pretty successful Pinterest project that saves me money!  Next time I'll use a more "girlie" soap like Dove or Caress.

Be Blessed!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Not feeling like myself

I know it's been a little over a week or two since I've posted.  I can't help it.  I've just not been feeling like myself lately.  Lots of things going on - busy home life with the kids and sports, school kids are just crazy, hubby going through interviews for a promotion, and much more.  I have been finding a little time to paint.  I had a big custom order from Etsy and I've been working on it all January.  The paintings are finally ready to ship.  I have a couple more orders to work on this week.  I really enjoy painting and creating things.  I so wish I could just be a family manager and stay home and paint!  It makes me so happy and calms my nerves.

So does writing.  I already feel better (mentally) by sitting here writing about my stress and frustrations.  It's like it is physically leaving my body as I hit each alphabet key.  Awesome.  However, I do feel a physical sickness coming on, probably due to the changing weather.  But I'm not going to let it get me down.  I'm going to get some rest (no painting tonight) and maybe I'll be refreshed tomorrow.

Here are the paintings I've been working on during January.

Be Blessed!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Some of my Pinterest crafts!

So, I buckled under peer pressure and joined Pinterest.  Well, it's fun!  I have found some neat stuff on there plus I'm promoting my own art on there and getting great response.

Anyway, as part of my Clear the Clutter Campaign 2012, I am putting myself on the Dave Ramsey cash only plan.  And on Pinterest, there was this neat idea of making pretty envelopes for the cash, instead of using those ugly plain white ones.  So I did it!

Also, with the leftover scrap paper, Jessalyn and I made another Pinterest project for Valentine's day - a lovely heart wreath.  Ours isn't quite finished and I'm going to add some ribbon, maybe some glitter but I still think it's cute.  And Jessalyn helped so she feels proud.  She loves crafts as much as I do!

Be Blessed!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I'm changing my life with God's help

"I don't wanna live like I don't care.  I don't wanna say another empty prayer. Oh I refuse to sit around and wait for someone else to do what God has called me to do myself.  Oh I could choose not to move, but I refuse."  The chorus to one of my absolute favorite songs.  It is by Josh Wilson.  It is amazing.

I am changing my life today.  God's gonna help me.  I am not surrendering to the depression, the jealousy, the poor-pitiful-me feeling anymore.  I am taking control of those things that I can control and I'm not waiting for those things to just clear up on their own.  I am going after the things I want and praying for guidance to help me instead of being filled with jealousy toward those that have what I want.  I'm not going to sit around and feel sorry for myself because I made mistakes in the past and I'm paying for them now.  No.  I'm going for it.

I honestly feel like God is telling me to write.  I've said this before, long ago, but also as recently as a few months ago.  And no one may ever read what I write but I feel like they will, eventually.  God has spoken to me more often lately and I think that is part of my struggle.  I have this overwhelming urge to sit at home and write all day instead of being in my classroom teaching.  But I can't do that.  So that causes depression, jealous feelings, and overall self pity because others are able to stay home and write, or do whatever it is they do.  But I have to work.

I just don't feel like my heart is in my classroom anymore and that causes another surge of emotions because I do like teaching and I love my subject area, Spanish.  So what do I do?  I change.

I made the first move tonight when I emailed the publishing company that offered me a contract a couple of years ago to publish one of my children's stories.  I signed the contract and sent a down payment but could not finish paying my author investment.  Life happened.  Family members who said they would help out with the cost failed to follow through.  But I made a move.  I am going to find out the status of that contract.  If the contract is void and I cannot continue to pay for the investment, I will take my manuscript elsewhere and enter every writing contest I can find.

I may have many sleepless nights ahead in my quest to live out my dreams but... "I refuse to sit around and wait for someone else..."

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."  Phillipians 4:13

Be blessed!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

My new blog site

Well, after searching several times today, I cannot find the blog I created last year.  We have since changed email, moved, life, I created a new one!  I am hoping this will help me release some stress by being able to write about my crafts, my kids, my journey in life, my relationship with God, and whatever else I need to get off my chest on any given day.  I am hoping a few of you will follow so you can keep me accountable.  I have several goals for this year, 2012, and need to publicly announce those so I can get some support, some criticism when I fall behind or procrastinate, and some encouragement when I get to mark something off the list.

So, my goals for 2012 are:

to "Clear the Clutter" - physically in my house, financially, spiritually, emotionally, in every way possible.

to pay down my student loan debt.

to save our $1000 emergency fund (according to baby step 1 by Dave Ramsey)

to boost my art sales to help accomplish all the above goals.

to work on budgeting and meal planning to accomplish the above goals.

Thanks, friends.  Even if no one reads this or follows this, maybe it will be enough for me to know that it is out there on the world wide web and that someone might read it and maybe someone else is going through what I am going through.  We can help each other.  In every way I have started a "Clear the Clutter" campaign in the Charles family household.  We are 3 boys, 2 girls, happy family who love the Lord and know that it is through Him that we can do all things.  (Phil. 4:13)

Be blessed!