I'm a teacher. I'm on salary and there's no overtime. The benefits are pretty good; that's why I stay in this profession. But I do like to supplement my income. I need to build an emergency fund and I need to save for an educational trip to Spain that I'm taking in June. So, I've got to find the extra money somewhere because there is no extra in our budget. How do I do that?
I am crafty, as you may have read in a previous post, so I have an Etsy site where I list my arts and crafts. Sometimes I go through stages where I sell something every other day. But then there are times, most of the time, actually, where I am in a dry spell and don't sell a thing.
I sell on Ebay but that has really gotten to be more trouble than it's worth. I stay up late and take photos of stuff we don't need and I write descriptions to entice others to bid on it. Again, sometimes I do really well and get what I want out of an item. Other times, I lose money because I underestimated shipping or didn't get any high bids on something.
I've taken things to consignment shops and did alright but my children are at the point where they completely wear things out. Plus, that's only seasonal but it helps. I've done yard sales but hate the hassle of getting up early, hanging up signs, and setting up tables outside. And you have to have warm, nice weather. I live in Alabama. That's mostly unpredictable.
If I had extra time, I could teach some extra Spanish lessons. I've been asked by several people in different professions but I am always at a ballgame or ball field somewhere.
It's very hard when you have a family to find free time to try and make a little extra money but I try. I guess that's why I am writing this blog and entering writing contests. Maybe I can win a little extra cash or publish a book to start my emergency fund so I can send my 3 kiddos to college or travel or retire!
Well, I know there wasn't any profound money advice today but I never promised that! I just want a way to hold myself accountable so I am using Mondays to talk about anything money related, even if I'm talking about my lack of it and need for just a little more since I won't be getting a raise any time soon.
Be blessed!
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