Sunday, January 20, 2013

Summary Sunday - fell off the wagon

Well, it's time for another Summary post.  Quite a bit to summarize today.

First, last week was hectic so I did not post at all - no money post, no crafty post, nada.  Why was last week so crazy?  Let's see - weather in the 70's early in the week but snowing by Thursday.  Of course, this is Alabama so that sends folks into orbit...well, at least the grocery stores for milk and bread.  (I didn't because we are actually pretty stocked up on plenty of freezer food.)

I think just getting back into the routine of basketball games, school, mother-in-law still having health issues (but she's better now and in rehab) has gotten me all out of sync.  Hubby was sick last week too so that didn't help in the home department.  We acquired new-to-us furniture since MIL is now moving in with sister-in-law and can no longer live alone.  We passed one sectional on to a family who just moved here from another state and could not bring their possessions with them.  We kept another sectional for ourselves and will be selling our sofa and loveseat.  I'll have to ask hubby if I can apply the money to my Spain trip or if we will apply to a debt.  Still more furniture to acquire so I may be redecorating for a while!

All was going well with my No eating out in 2013 plan until my family took me out to eat last night at one of our favorite restaurants.  They keep telling me it doesn't count since I didn't pay for it and it was for my birthday!  I am the only one in the family who has not eaten out so far this year.  We did it again this afternoon when we went to the neighboring big city to visit Nana at the rehabilitation center.  We left right after church so we were all starving.  Still, we have saved quite a bit of money already this month by not eating out as much.  (And I didn't pay for today's meal, either.) 

I did get some crafts made this weekend, which I am very proud of.  One is for my bedroom, which lacks a lot of decorating but this is starting to inspire me!

I love how it turned out and plan to make more crafts using up all my buttons and bling!  I'm thinking crosses and fleur-de-lis!  I still need curtains and more throw pillows in my room.

I also worked on another art piece that's been sitting around for a while.  I don't really know what inspired me but I'll post a tutorial later this week on this one.

I learned a little this weekend, or actually was more inspired, when we had to start cleaning out my MIL's apartment.  She's a bit of a hoarder.  Seriously.  It was a mess and ridiculous how much stuff one person could accumulate.  Well, she's not going to be able to take it with her so there's lots more downsizing to be done there but it got me thinking about my own house and my own habits.  I do tend to stash fabric, buttons, odds and ends, thinking I will make something out of it one day.  I am pretty good about storing it in organized containers and plastic boxes, but still, I wonder if I'm on the same path.  So, I am adding another project to my list of things to do this year and that is to downsize my hobbies and craft supplies.  I don't have as much time to work on it as I'd like and it seems I'm never actually going to be able to quit my day job to that kind of stuff all the time so why do I need it all?  I'd much rather simplify my life and spend time with my family than have all this stuff sitting around.  Also, I don't want my family to have to deal with all that if something should happen to me.  So, let the online selling begin, until it warms up enough to have a yard sale!

I did not finish my manuscript in time to submit to the contest.  I just wasn't comfortable with submitting an incomplete script so I'll just keep working on it and find another contest that I can submit it for.  Or, I'll just self-publish again when the time is right.  Still praying about this one!

I was accepted to present a lesson plan that I created at the National AATSP conference in San Antonio in July.  Not sure if I will accept the invitation and go but I'm honored to have been chosen.

I hope this week will be better than last week.  Today is my last day as a 36 year old so I'm hoping tomorrow will be a good birthday instead of a typical Monday.  Little one starts theatre class in the afternoon tomorrow so that is a new adventure we're looking forward to.  I plan on getting back on track with my blog posts so tomorrow will have a money post and I'll post a tutorial on the Memphis art later this week, too.  I'm reading a book on blogging so I hope to make my blog a little more interesting and visually appealing as I learn some tricks. 

Have a great week and be blessed!

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