Monday, January 21, 2013

Money Matters Monday - revisiting the budget

Those of you who read yesterday's summary post know that I fell off the wagon - I went out to eat at a restaurant.  I didn't pay for it but the hubby did so I still count it.  We also ate out again Sunday after church. Again, I didn't pay but hubby's money is my money too.

I did get some birthday money that I am using to renew my passport at the end of the month.  I did go out to eat at a fast food place tonight with my daughter but I used a gift card I was given at Christmas.  I actually have not started my 52 week saving plan but I think I am going to open up an ING Direct savings account and start putting it there.  That way, I can't really touch it but I could get it in a day or two if I really needed it.  That's my plan for our emergency fund.  Why am I choosing an online bank?   Because right now they are offering a deal where they will put $25-50 in the account after 30 days as an incentive to get your business.  I'll take free money!

I have to revisit the budget this weekend and tweak some things.  It's been a long time since payday for me and I've got to make sure I have everything taken care of when the 31st rolls around.  I also need to work on selling some stuff to help pay for my trip to Spain.  I've been trying to promote my fundraiser web page but that is slow.

Short post tonight but it's my birthday so I'm doing what I want!

Be blessed!

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