Sunday, January 13, 2013

Summary Sunday - it's been a crazy week

Well, this past week has been one of the craziest we've had in a while.  My mother-in-law was hospitalized for a few days, then sent home only to be hospitalized again for a broken hip.  Lots of life-changing events happening on husband's side of the family.

I seem to be the only family member who hasn't eaten out this year.  I'm proud of myself! 

I have been working on my manuscript for the writing contest but with the deadline approaching on Tuesday, I don't think I'm quite ready.  But I may submit it as is and just see what happens.  I can continue to work on it and possibly self publish, or it will be editor ready by April if I should win this contest.  Positive thoughts will yield positive results!

I actually got a little crafting done this weekend but nothing new listed on my website.  I've got to find some time to declutter around here and make a little extra cash to put toward my passport renewal and the trip to Spain this summer.  I'm debating whether or not to have a booth at our annual craft show in April.  I could use the money but the past few years have not been very profitable for the time it takes to create art and sit the booth.  Still praying about that one.

Back to school tomorrow for week 22 of this school year.  Yes, I count down that way.  It is the only way I can make it through.  It seems each year gets harder for me to enjoy my job.  I don't know if it's the excess political garbage and technology that we are expected to incorporate or the lack of respect I get from the students.  If I could just teach my subject matter with small classes, I would be much happier.  But that's not happening any time soon.  I did get some grading done this weekend (today actually) so I'm not completely behind.

My daddy blessed us with lots of chicken again on Friday so I packed it and separated it and blessed others.  Gave some to our neighbor, my bestie, and another good friend.  Have some packed tightly in the freezer to take to church on Wednesday to help feed the homeless next week. 

I need to clip and organize my coupons so I won't make silly mistakes and spend more money than necessary but there's just not enough spare time in my day.  I started laundry today and washed most of the kids' things for practice and games this week but haven't even washed anything of mine. 

This week looks rather busy with basketball games and college night.  I hope I can stick to home cooking and not have to eat out with our busy schedule.  I'll have to find time tomorrow to plan our meals so that doesn't happen.  I guess it's leftovers and hot dogs tomorrow since I forgot to set out something from the freezer.  A quick trip to the store for some chips should make that acceptable to everyone around here!

I've also got to take out my savings of $1 and $2 for the first two weeks of the year.  I'm trying out this savings plan this year, in addition to building up my emergency fund while also saving for that trip to Spain. 

I hope this works!  It's worth a shot.  I like the way it starts out simple to build momentum.  I even thought about working it backwards, so that the smaller amounts are closer to Christmas when spending increases but right now, I need the smaller amounts.  I may just print this and mark off an amount as I save it.  If I have $20 extra then I would go ahead and mark week 20 off the list.  This way I could save big when I have it and when things are tight could choose a smaller amount.  Either way, it will be nice if I can do this all year.  Look at the savings after 52 weeks!  Not bad.  I'm going to try and get the oldest boy to do this too.  He seemed excited when I was telling him about it so maybe he'll try too and we can hold each other accountable.

Well, that's my summary!  Let me know if you are working on any goals!  I'd love to hear your summary and how you are tweaking your plans for this year.

Be blessed!

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